If you want to use your ELRS or CRSF receivers with a PWM system along with barometer and GPS telemetry then Matek has the solution that you've been waiting for. This board allows you to attach your CRSF receiver and use PWM pins to connect to your wing or plane. This is perfect for those who want the stability of a plane or wing, but also want the dependable long range of the crossfire.
- Compatible with CRSF protocol receiver only
- Support any CRSF protocol receivers(including 433MHz, 868MHz, 915MHz, 2.4GHz)
- 10x PWM outputs
- PWM frequency configurable (50Hz default, 100,160,330, 400Hz)
- 2x UARTs (for Receiver and GPS)
- Telemetry ID: RxBt, Curr, Capa, Bat%, GPS, GSpd, Hdg, Alt, Sats, Vspd, Baro Alt (Start with EdgeTX 2.7.1/OpenTX 2.3.15 and ExpressLRS 2.5)
- 36V Max. battery voltage sense (1K:10K voltage divider built-in)
- Compatible with external Current sensor (0~3.3V)
- Vbat and Current sensor scale configurable
- Failsafe value configurable
- Firmware upgradeable
- 5V LDO (300mA) integrated for GPS and external Receiver.
- Rated voltage: 4~9V @BEC pad, 0~36V @Vbat, 0~3.3V @Curr
- No regulator built-in for servos, Servos must be powered via BEC pad by external 5-9V source.
- 38mm x 16mm, 8g
- Packing: 1x CRSF-PWM-V10, Dupont 2.54 pins
- 1xMatek CRSF-PWM-V10 CRSF to PWM converter